Do not miss the advantage from the referee

You are asked by the employer to provide a list of references. But are you sure you will get a positive introduction? Finding a reference isn't simply about listing the former boss's name, phone number, and email address.

You have found a perfect job opportunity thanks to the job search feature on ViralHire. The job is suitable for strengths, the company is culturally similar and the salary is as desired. You submit a CV, pass the interview round, and then the employer asks for a list of references – not only the names already available in the CV, but also others according to the job history.

dung bo lo loi the tu nguoi tham khao careerbuilder 1
Should review the list of references before looking for a job

Is this a difficult obstacle to your job search? Whether we do or not, we should focus on this small but not small element early on.

Always try with all your heart
As soon as you know you are about to leave the company, you may just want to let go. Starting work late, low work quality or no effort? The effort of a long time ago can be wiped out by laziness in the last time. “Decline”, “irresponsibility””.. the impressions you leave.

So, complete the rest as quickly as possible, continue to help colleagues. We don't know when we'll need confirmation from the old ones.

Sit down and talk
Before you leave, sit down with your boss and share the positive things you have during your time at the company. Ask them for advice before leaving, and ask them to rate you well – right now on LinkedIn, or in the future when the new employer asks.

ngoi xuong noi chuyen careerbuilder
Talk to your former boss before leaving the company

If the boss is really responsible, they will be sad when you leave, but they are also happy if the former employee advances in his career. If you've done well, don't be afraid to ask for them.

“Out of the tail.”
Are you disappointed in your current company? The above commandment of your grandparents may apply to this situation. You do not need to demeanor yourself beyond the social limit, but should play beautifully, fulfill the responsibilities to end the contract in accordance with the law and leave no reproach. If you criticize or argue fiercely with your boss when you step out of the company, then the relationship will later be difficult to heal. The former boss will refuse to make references, or worse, agree but share negative information about you.

You shouldn't insult your former boss when you talk to someone else. In the digital age of “forest wall ear”, it is impossible to know how wide the circle of friends of people is. A post that slanders the company and the former leader can defuse the ego in minutes, but can make a bad impression on a potential employer.

The best way is to smile and move on.

Maintaining relationships
Often we have to resort to the list of references for several years. But when necessary, make sure that the former boss does not forget you, and can still Comment well on you. Therefore, a positive relationship will benefit.

duy tri moi quan he careerbuilder
Good relationships during and after working together are always beneficial

Simply connect with them on social networks, showing that you are interested in their situation. The specific action would be better than a long time without contacting, so that you call them just to ask for a recommendation to the new employer.

Notice the current situation
When asked by an employer for a reference list, provide enough context for them: what position your former boss is currently in, whether it is busy, when it is convenient to call or text them, whether the employer needs to clearly state your former position for the reference to remember…

On the contrary, you should also contact the referee in advance to bother them to confirm with the new employer. Provide detailed information about the position you are applying for. It will be even better if the former boss can confirm to you the strengths directly related to the job being applied. It's possible to” remind ” them of some of the projects you've ever done as well as how they might relate to the new role. The referrals that come with specific examples will be very convincing, demonstrating what you have shown through your CV and interview. That difference can put you at the top of the candidate list.

Be grateful
After your former boss provides you with reference information, thank you.

No matter how eager to start a new position, remember that success comes partly from their positive feedback. If you forget this little detail, it is possible that the next time you will no longer receive help if necessary. A word of “thank you ” can help us go beyond imagination.

Photo by Pexels


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