Forte – what is Forte? How to respond tactfully when going to the interview

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What is Forte? 

Forte are the strengths, advantages, positive factors of each person himself. It is possible to understand that the knack is good, knowledgeable, mastered in some area. You may be confused between aptitude and knack. Aptitude is only part of the Forte. The talent that makes up the forte, is the stepping stone that helps promote the Forte. It is possible to divide the Forte into 3 different categories:

  • Knack for personality and consciousness: Independence, hard work, responsibility, rules, respect for hours, teamwork skills, care,… 
  • Knowledgeable: achieving achievements in the learning process such as degrees, foreign language proficiency, engineering, ICT Information Technology or work experience.
  • Knack for abilities, skills: good communication skills, proficient presentation skills, analysis and problem solving, job organization skills,… 

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What is Forte? What is the Department? (Source: Internet) 

What is the Department?

Contrary to Forte, departments are weaknesses, aspects you are weak and need to overcome. When asked to the department, most candidates will be difficult to answer and require candidates to be skillful, sophisticated but still have to ensure honesty. Don't be embarrassed and confused when faced with this question, the best way to answer the question of what your weaknesses are is to emphasize the positive side and reduce weaknesses to a minimum. 

How to identify Forte and Forte 

Listen to the people around you 

Thanks to the advice of surrounding relationships: you can resort to close relationships such as family, friends make objective comments about you. Since these are people who come into contact with you regularly, they will understand you relatively. In addition, you can turn to career programs, seminars to consult with experts about your strengths and weaknesses. 

Test / survey 

Taking career Tests is also a way to find your own knack and hobby. Currently, you do not need to go far, but you can find career-oriented tests on google. 


Career quizzes help identify your forte, departments (source: Internet)

Ask questions 

Actively ask questions about everyday work: what do you enjoy and dislike? In everyday things, what do you do well and what is not good? From there find your strengths and weaknesses. 

Put yourself in different situations 

Each person needs to be constantly active in a variety of environments to monitor and identify themselves because to find their own strengths and weaknesses is a long process. Through the experience process, the assessments and experience gained will help you find your knack and knack.

Why do employers often ask about Forte and Forte when interviewing? 

Before starting the interview, you will often think that employers only ask questions about Professional Skills, Qualifications, Experience,… But in fact, the employer is very interested in the personality of the candidate. Through the Forte answer, the department will help employers assess the personality and consider that candidate for the position they recruit. 

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Employers are very interested in the strengths and weaknesses of candidates (source: Internet) 

In addition, if the employer decides to choose the candidate, knowing in advance the knack and Department of personnel will help the business with the appropriate training direction. In the work environment, if the management knows the knack and Department of employees, they will exploit their abilities well.

How to answer questions about the head of department and department when going to interview 

Answer questions about the school

To answer the question about the forte, you should present your special skills and Forte. Convince the employer that you are perfectly suited to the position thanks to this strength. It is better to sketch them first at home. Set up a list related to the three categories above as follows:

  • Mention the course of study, the qualifications as well as the work experience you have. For example, computer skills, language, engineering…
  • Mention the skills you learn when you take on previous tasks, such as communication skills, analytical skills, and problem solving…
  • Raise your own qualities, such as: independence, flexibility, friendliness, hard work, rules, punctuality and being able to work in a team…

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How to answer Forte questions (source: Internet) 

Choose 3 out of 5 strengths that match what the employer is looking for. 

Examples: when you apply for the position of an English translator, talk about the ability to communicate, the level of English, the events you have translated through. 

Answer questions about the Department

It seems that this is the most “potato” question in the interview. The best way to overcome this question is to reduce weaknesses to a minimum and remain focused on the Forte. 

Know what your CV is so you don't get embarrassed and your answer must match what you wrote in your CV. 

Choose a department as well as a solution to it. Stay away from personal aspects that focus on professional characteristics. 

Examples“I'm proud to be a good looking person. I must be honest, sometimes I forget small details, but this weakness will certainly be “filled” by someone who is meticulous and careful in the team.”

Tips for presenting Forte, Forte in CV 


Clearly, logically present the advantages to highlight and show your sincerity. Some advantages to have:

  • Job skills: it is recommended to carefully look at the recruitment requirements to present the skills necessary for the position, thereby outlining their own advantages to impress the employer.
  • Soft skills: can be teamwork skills, problem-solving, communication skills,… Currently, people with good soft skills will have an advantage when applying.
  • Many employers often prioritize talented candidates because they want them to bring a new color to build a corporate culture. So if yes you can also present in the CV.


Choose only 3 departments of yourself to include in the CV, avoid listing too much because the CV has many disadvantages will definitely overshadow. Make a skillful presentation, demonstrating your own efforts to overcome weaknesses in the best way.

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You should minimize the weaknesses when writing a CV (source: Internet)

In short, to perform well for the interview, you should list your strengths and weaknesses on paper, practice in advance in various ways and choose the best option. Hopefully the information ViralHire provides through the above article has helped you understand the Forte, what is the department as well as how to express help conquer every employer. 

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