Step closer towards the employer

Even if you're confident that you fit perfectly into a position, you'll often find employers aloof and elusive. But once they know how to show that you are the candidate they are looking for, they can behave like your best friend.

We often think that only employers actively approach potential candidates, not vice versa. But if you pay attention, you will know a lot of famous players, Talent stars succeed early thanks to quick-witted looking to recruiters or casting directors.

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Confidently introduce yourself to a recruitment professional

You can also become a good candidate if you approach the employer in a mutually beneficial way.

1. Understand how employers work

The job of the employer is to understand each vacancy to: understand the appropriate skills and competencies; successfully convince the brightest candidate with the most reasonable cost. Thus, they are both a promoter( job position), while looking for customers (candidates), while cheering, guiding, even as a strategist for both candidates and recruiting companies.

And imagine an employer doing all of that for not just one job position, but up to 5 positions. And each position they have about 10 candidates, that is, they have to spend time working simultaneously with 50 people. So, in order to shorten the time spent by them and recognize your bright spot, approach them in a targeted way.

2. Understand the type of employer you need to approach

There are many types of recruitment specialists: belonging to the HR department of the company, belonging to the company that provides recruitment services or a freelance ‘headhunter’ specialist.

Internal HR personnel

Often companies will appoint each personnel to find talented people for a different field: engineering, marketing, finance ICO so make sure you reach the right person. In addition, referrals from an employee or an acquaintance of them will be more noticeable than a generic referral email.

Recruiter services

Similarly, employers from service companies only accept as their strengths. The distinctive feature is that they are not paid without finding the right candidate (and actually coming to work). In some cases, the recruiter of the client company itself also finds the right candidate, then the candidate of the service employer will be disqualified. But don't overlook the opportunity, as a service employer may be looking for people for the same position at various companies.

Headhunter expert

These are people who have extensive, long-term HR networks and are often looking for high-level positions or more. They can even find talent for secret positions, which are not publicly posted.

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Don't be afraid to reach out to “headhunters” experts in search of opportunities

3. Know how to approach employers

This is the most important step. Never reach out to employers to ask them to help you. They don't know you and you don't pay them! Their job is not to help you. The goal when approaching should be: help them get the job done and find the right candidate. Therefore, contact us only after you have done your research on the vacancy, ViralHire CV and LinkedIn profile are ready, and you are ready to interview.

Show them 2 reasons to pay attention to you:

You can make up for the position they are hiring

Usually, the LinkedIn news will show the name of the poster. Contact them to describe the skills and abilities that you can apply well to that position. At the same time, let's clarify some of the competencies that make it possible to bring outstanding value to the company in that position. Remember to stick to the keywords in the job description.

If you are the right candidate, you can get feedback. If you don't get a response, it may be because you have been slow (they have chosen the candidate), or don't fit into that position as you think.

You know that employers are strong in a particular industry and position

In this case, while it is not known if the employer is looking for a specific job position, you know for sure the types of career positions and areas in which they specialize. If by chance they are also hiring the position that you are suitable for, you will get a response. Otherwise, they will save your CV to the database to contact as appropriate.

So take the initiative to “offer ” yourself with useful information for them. Includes: suitable position, desired title, management experience, work location, areas of strengths, salary expectations…

Also, the path to your CV on ViralHire in case the employer wants to share it with other partners and companies.

Finally, if you are reluctant, then understand that the opportunity only comes to the person who tries, you have to try to know when Luck smiles at you. And an attractive job opportunity is always worth taking the initiative to express yourself. Even if no employer has responded, You still have the opportunity to find a job as you like with the salary as you would when surveying the desired position on VietnamSalary.

Photo by Pexels


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