Synthesis of CV it-programmer Vietnamese / English standard

Viết CV IT chuyên nghiệp với đầy đủ các thông tin cá nhân, trình độ học vấn, kinh nghiệm,... (Nguồn: Internet)

To get a CV it template that impresses employers well, you need to spend a lot of time to take care of and perfect the CV in the most attractive, suitable and standard way. Here is a guide on how to sample it CVs to help you conquer the employer in the first seconds. Let ViralHire find out!


CV it-what parts do programmers need?

Just like most other professions, whether it is a Vietnamese or English CV, to get a quality and professional CV, you must write the following sections:

Personal information

Personal information includes:

  • Surname and name: Write the correct and complete surname and name according to your personal papers( English name if any), e.g. Nguyen Thi Anh (Anna)
  • Phone numbers and emails are in use: This information must be filled out correctly for the employer to contact you.
  • Date, month, year of birth
  • Brief introduction to yourself: Write this introduction briefly but show your highlights.

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  • Impressive English CV templates
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Education level

Please write in the form of CV it Name University / College along with majors, duration of study, classification. With this section of education, you should also arrange them in a logical order, for example:

  • Ho Chi Minh City Polytechnic University (9/2015-11/2019)
  • Specialization: information technology
  • Rating: good (GPA: 8.8/10)

Viết CV IT chuyên nghiệp với đầy đủ các thông tin cá nhân, trình độ học vấn, kinh nghiệm,... (Nguồn: Internet)

Write a professional IT CV with full personal information, education, experience,… (Source: Internet)


Work experience is one of the key factors that help employers assess your suitability for the job. You need to list the following sections:

  • The name of the company you have or are working for.
  • Working position.
  • Working time.
  • Specific work in that position.

Information about this work experience must also be written on the IT job search CV form in an orderly manner from the nearest to the farthest. This will help the employer understand the experience you have.


Besides education and work experience, a candidate with many skills will create an impressive job application form. Whether it's an internship CV or someone who already has experience, the 3 important skill groups you need to show are: Informatics skills, soft skills, professional skills.


To prove the information that you write as well as your abilities and abilities, achievements in the work or study process is a must. Write specifically and have metrics so that the information you give is more convincing.

Các thông tin trên CV cần đảm bảo tính chính xác (Nguồn: Internet)

The information on the CV should ensure accuracy (source: Internet)


In addition to qualifications to demonstrate academic qualifications, IT-related certificates or skills certificates that you obtain will be one of the factors that will help employers more objectively assess your competence.

Career goals

To help recruiters get more impression on your IT CV template, show off your short-term and long-term career goals. Write them that are aligned with the vision and goals of the company, so that the employer sees that you are a suitable candidate for them.

Here's a CV it template that you can refer to to give yourself an impressive CV template.

Mẫu CV IT chuyên nghiệp (Nguồn: Internet)

Professional CV it template (source: Internet)

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How to make your CV more professional

Currently on ViralHire there are many good CV templates that you can refer to to make yourself an impressive CV it. A regular CV will be about 1-2 pages long A4, so you need to present the CV briefly, ensuring full information, accuracy and attractiveness.

To CV it Vietnamese, CV it English or CV it internship become professional, you need to note the following sections:

Optimized CV

Remove unnecessary content, avoid rambling, long lines so as not to cause discomfort also for employers when reading CV. Focus on the key points logically so that the employer can immediately see your matching points.

Choose and attach worthwhile keywords in the job title or job description to your CV to impress the employer. This is how to help darken the professional CV it template.

List specific figures in achievements

When listing the achievements of the projects that you have done, you need to include in your CV specific figures and figures in order to create trust and prove to the employer your abilities. You can attach additional portfolio or links to that project, allowing the recruitment company to view it.

Adjust the cover letter to suit the company

Cover letter, also known as cover letter, is a general introduction to yourself in which you will present your reasons, aspirations and suitability for the position in which the company is hiring.

However, to impress employers, you should adjust the cover letter accordingly according to the recruitment criteria of each company. Then the employer will notice that you are the one with interest and get to know the position in which they are hiring.

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Refer to CV it samples by position in the industry

Here are some standard, professional it CV models for each position in the industry.

Mẫu CV IT thực tập (Nguồn: Internet)

Sample CV it internship (source: Internet)

Mẫu CV tiếng Anh chuyên nghiệp (Nguồn: Internet)

Professional English CV templates (source: Internet)

Mẫu CV IT tiếng Việt cho vị trí Developer (Nguồn: Internet)

Vietnamese CV it template for Developer position (source: Internet)

Here is a guide on how to create a professional and impressive CV it that will help recruiters pay attention from the first information. When designing a CV, pay attention to the brief presentation of information and ensure accuracy. Hopefully with the knowledge that ViralHire shares, will help you quickly find the desired job. Wish you success!


Job hunting Secrets

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