Doubling the interview invitation with this trick in CV (Part 1)

Check your cover letter

If you consider the journey to find your dream job as a sinusoidal graph, then have you ever fallen into the stage when all your efforts are to the bottom, not achieving the desired result?

CVS with qualifications, experience, skills are suitable, good enough to attract quite a few employers, and occasionally a few the interview invitation was sent. However, that ensures you avoid the sight of leaving empty-handed. If you've been depressed after dozens of applications, you should probably check your cover letter again.
But first, let's check your CV again to see if it has secured the following basic elements:
– The summary shows all the main experiences, there is a progressive change after each shift
– List of skills strengths shown through important projects and achievements under bullet points
– List of academic achievements, especially certificates, achievements that you find important and work for the most applicant position
– Administrative and foreign language skills

Kiểm tra lại bức thư xin việc của mình

Let's check your cover letter

If the above elements are complete, with a clear expression, knowing how to highlight important information, then the rest lies in cover letter. Even though they are applying for a dream job, many people don't even have the concept of “cover letter”. Others are conscious of this factor, writing a cover letter that is too generic, offering only skills and achievements that match that position. It's not enough to say why you want to work for the company, especially if it's just to say good things about the company. In short, such a cover letter does not fulfill its role.

A “black heart ” cover letter will make a difference
Upgrade your cover letter to a letter that says hitting the employer's black heart is what you need.

What is a black heart hit letter?
A letter hit by a black heart refers to a specific problem that the hiring company side is facing and how you can solve it. Such a letter has four parts:
1. Hook to recruiter sentence: first, you have a suitable achievement and the right time to attract the attention of the recruiter.
2. Problem hypothesis: you identify any problem the company is facing.
3. “Dragon killing story” : next, you hook up the problem the company is having, with how you propose to solve the problem based on your career experience.
4. Conclusion: it can end as simply as “” if you are interested in sharing on my, we can talk more deeply through interviews. Contact details please see at CV””
Basically, a letter hitting a black heart will highlight not only your values, but also your understanding of the job position.

How to write a letter to a Black Heart, step by step:
– You start by describing the challenges (black heart) of the profession that we intend to apply for.
– Then, make it clearer some of the company's specific challenges and the way in which you – as an expert in that field, can help solve the problem.
– Then, mention 3-5 responsibilities from the job description of the company, relating to your achievements at the previous company.
– Affirm with a brief sentence “I will solve this situation of your company ” and demonstrate how you have ever done at the old company.
End your cover letter on the grounds that you want to work for the company.

Directly arrange interview in cover letter
And finally, instead of saying “I look forward to receiving feedback from the company”, actively express: “you can contact the phone number… for further exchange”.

> > > More: duplicate interview invitations with this trick in CV (Part 2)

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  ViralHire Vietnam

Job hunting Secrets

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